We are the only coaching facility offering Functional Medicine. See our Menu of Services.
Exceptional Lifestyle

Enjoy high-energy health, excellent work performance and successful relationships with An Exceptional You.
An Exceptional You is the person you strive to be every day. Our coaches have specialized training and experience in the fields of work performance, relationships and health. Coupled with our proprietary brain power program, you can achieve the Exceptional You quickly and efficiently.
Telephonic and Online/video coaching services are provided nationally.
Sign up for oneĀ free coaching session now to get started.
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New Articles / Blog Updates

Physical Activity and Your Mind
Physical activity helps the mind, but how? Neurotrophic molecules are cells throughout the body...
What can Executive Coaching Do for You?
Executive coaching is not about solving problems for the company. It is about...
Specialized Training and Ways to Improve Memory
Experience and memory can affect our future behavior. If you had a bad experience...

Our Products

Relaxation Therapy CD/MP3
Our relaxation CD can be purchased and downloaded today for immediate relaxation and a sound sleep. Relaxation provides techniques to induce a state of relaxation but also has hypnotic messages to help induce the relaxation and sound sleep you seek. Do not listen to it while doing other things and under no circumstances should you listen to it while driving. Use it for at least one week consistently and you will be able to induce a state of relaxation just by recalling the first few words. Most people fall asleep before getting to the end. This is fine as you brain will still receive the positive messages for relaxation even while you sleep.